Managed Services

Many organizations have been realizing the strategic business rewards of placing all or part of their IT or business processes into the hands of a specialist managed service provider. These organizations have come to realize that if they want to compete and have an edge in today's highly competitive market place, managed services have to play a key role and so they have become central to the business strategy of many businesses.

Businesses today face increased costs and reduced budgets and often find that traditional solutions to these challenges distract them from their core business strategies. You can focus on your core competencies, which is the key to survival and success.

Managed Services are often more cost effective than using internal resources. Also, new revenue can be generated by leveraging existing infrastructure and expertise.

Our world class methodologies provide reliable solutions that suit, transform and add value through efficient use of technology to deliver tangible business benefits to its customers that ensure high customer satisfaction.

Our talent pool and expertise in application development life cycle makes us a one stop shop for many a customer.

  • Service Mapping Tool and Product Support.
  • Delivery Project Managers: Project 9 & SM Ops.
  • Pricing and Discounting: SCC & SOM.
  • Deciding before/during the kick-off meeting on how problems will be handled and solved.
  • Service Contracts Data Controls.
  • CIBER Performance Support.
  • Customer Advocacy United Foundation.
  • QA PCS / LCS.
  • CAIT QA Performance Testing.
  • RMO QA Performance.
  • Test Supporting (on Site/Off Shore).